Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Master Key to Success – Reality is in any field, 3% will go in to leadership. 1% mid level and ½% at the top. NOT because it is hard but because they aren’t willing to do the work. Form the habits and do the things the less successful person is not willing to do.  

This is so true! I read this today after reading the notes from a friend and it made me get off my butt and make some phone calls... I swear a HATE the phone! I can text, I can play games on the phone, I can check email...but talking on the phone... it is likely to be the death of me!  I can't possibly be the only one who hates phones calls can I?  It's not that I am unsocial I just feel like I'm bothering the person that I'm calling because I'm gonna catch them at a bad time or something... maybe I'm being silly, I am challenging myself to make as many phone calls as I can, but starting on Dec. 26th... With Christmas in just a few days everyone needs to spend time with their families, not answering the phone to me!  If you haven't spoken to me in a while watch out, Dec. 26th I may be calling YOU!

Monday, December 19, 2011

A week until Christmas

Well it's a week until Christmas, my brother just came into town this morning and the kids woke up extra earlier to make sure they were ready to leave for the airport in time to pick him up with Grandpa.  Leaving me to a morning filled with a conference call, coffee, and laundry.  Love the conference call, love the coffee could totally do without the laundry!  I told Cory that when we have enough money for him to stop working and to work with me instead that I am hiring someone to clean our house!  Although his response was that when that happens I can pay him to clean the house... hahaha!  If someone actually likes folding laundry please let me know, and explain why?!

Then that got me thinking...One year from now.... What a difference a year can make it, think about where you were this time last year, think about how the choices you made throughout the year have written your story along the way to where you are today.... Even the the small decisions that you didn't think would make a difference in your path, they have...even if you don't even realize it.  This made me really think about what things I need to do to reach my goals for this time next year.  Dreams don't happen by chance they come after you have made a plan focused and never give up.  However I am also reminded every day of the quote by Zig Ziglar "you can get everything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want first"  My Dreams are great and I will make a goal to get myself there, but I am not a selfish person and true joy comes when I help others achieve their dreams too.  Do you have a dream? Where do you see yourself in 1 year? where do you see yourself in 5 years?  Now how do you plan to get yourself there?  For me in one year I see myself having only student loan debt to pay off, Cory being able to stop working at the job that breaks his body every day and work at a job the does not require physical stresses and that will let him be able to not have to worry about getting time off to see his children perform at school plays and such and be taking our children to DisneyWorld as well coming back from the Thirty-One leadership trip.

In 5 years, well 5 years, we will be debt free, I will be able to be one of those people who have the money to pay off peoples layaways who are have fallen on hard times during the holiday season. Oh the possibilities... My vision board is still a work in progress but it's coming along.  But for now its one step at a time and focusing on the bigger picture.

Ok that was a tangent of randomness (which tends to happen a lot)

It's bloggin time!

Well what can I say I have decided to blog! What am I going to blog about? I have no idea, but that's the fun of it!  It's the adventures of a mompreneur.  What is a mompreneur you may ask?  Well I am a mom and owner of my own business as an independent director for ThirtyOne Gifts (www.Lovemy31.com) so mix it together and you come up with a mompreneur.  This Mama has some crazy, funny, emotional and unique stories that would only come from a mom who works from home while taking care of life in the Tichenor household... Hold onto your hats folks cause this blog could get out of control! Are YOU ready?!  With 2012 fast approaching I know I am!  I can't wait to share with you my life, my stories and the opportunities that arise!